Friday, September 11, 2009

Sleepy time...

Isn't it the best? But now I find myself wondering what to do...I have PLENTY that I could be doing, but do I want to, no, not really.

We went to the doctor yesterday. Hudson gained 1 1/2 lbs in the last week. It is no wonder that he is looking more chubby and wants to eat every 2 hours, on the dot! He appears to be super heathly and the doctor just had me start him on Vitamins. Boy, do they smell nasty!! Poor buddy has to actually taste them.

I am getting the pictures from our friend Cheyenne today...I a so excited and can't wait to share.
Back to my idle time...maybe I should sleep.


  1. Vitamins? That is weird. I have never heard of putting a newborn on vitamins. They get all of that stuff from breastmilk and formula. Well, I bet his pee smells bad too. HAHA! I guess that is an easy way of knowing when he needs his diaper changed.

    He is just so cute! Congratulations again!!! :)

  2. Love the picture! I would never get anything done with that little one around! So sweet!
