Friday, September 11, 2009

Sleepy time...

Isn't it the best? But now I find myself wondering what to do...I have PLENTY that I could be doing, but do I want to, no, not really.

We went to the doctor yesterday. Hudson gained 1 1/2 lbs in the last week. It is no wonder that he is looking more chubby and wants to eat every 2 hours, on the dot! He appears to be super heathly and the doctor just had me start him on Vitamins. Boy, do they smell nasty!! Poor buddy has to actually taste them.

I am getting the pictures from our friend Cheyenne today...I a so excited and can't wait to share.
Back to my idle time...maybe I should sleep.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Start again...

So, I have decided to start my blog again, but not sue how long that will last. I love the idea that I can share new things that happen with my son...we shall see if I can fit it in between feeding and tending to Hudson, ding my Biology and Sociology homework, and basically running a household. :-)

Hudson was born on August 27 2009 @ 6:18 p.m. I was in labor all night long and he finally made his appearance late that day - but not without complications - Hudson decided to turn his head midway through labor, and POOF! my contractions ceased. A little sprinkle of Pitocin (which I was not happy with considering I wanted drug free births) and a few crazy positions on my part, we were back in business and an hour and half later, Hudson showed up.

He is such a good baby, I think to myself that this is way too easy. The doctor check ups come with nothing...there are no strange things that I have to watch...and the crying, well, it only exists if he is super tired! So strange...Babies are truly a miracle.

On September 1st, we took Hudson for his first visit to Gavin's park...he slept the entire time. I feel so torn between happy and sad. I want Hudson to know his older brother and know that he will one day, but until then, I will have to fill him in on the details of how wonderful Gavin is.

Yesterday, a friend of Kelly's came and took pictures of our miracle. I am so excited to get them and share with others, I couldn't be prouder!